Saturday 7 June 2014

Published writing

We publish our writing in a variety of ways. We use a website called Littlebird tales. You can upload photos or use paint tools to illustrate your piece of writing. You can also record your voice telling your story.

Communication topic

Communication is our main topic this term. Here are our first ideas about what we think communication is.

We have been learning about the history of some technologies. In science we are learning about how musical instruments make sound.

In te reo we are learning about the different ways people communicate on the marae.

Rippa Rugby skills

For PE this term we are learning how to play Rippa Rugby. We have watched how to play this game on video and have been practising our passing and catching skills during PE sessions. 

We also play mini games of touch and turbo tag to help us improve our skills.

Lolly experiment

We have been predicting, making observations and recording our findings in science. We tasted, touched, smelled and looked carefully at how coloured lollies change when they are immersed in water.
It was lots of fun and very interesting.